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Prédio Valença - espaço amplo |
- REFPT-126551001-29
- Local-
- Área84 m² | 84 m²
- Estado-
- Construção1974
- Vista-
- Dist.Centro-
- Dist.Praia-
- Eficiência Energética
Sob Consulta
- Distrito: Viana do Castelo
- Concelho: Valença
- Freguesia: União das Freguesias de Valença, Cristelo Covo e Arão
Prédio sito na Fortaleza de Valença a qual remonta à transição do século XII para o XIII e destinava-se à defesa da povoação e da travessia daquele trecho do rio Minho, tem a antiga via romana ganhando importância enquanto local de peregrinação rumo ao túmulo de Santiago para a qual confluem peregrinos e viajantes de toda a Península Ibérica. O prédio é composto por dois andares. No rés do chão tem um espaço amplo, uma casa de banho e um espaço de arrumos, sendo possível dividir o espaço para criar um quarto e cozinha e sala em open-space. No 1º andar tem uma casa de banho, um quarto e um espaço amplo. Perfeito para investidores para turismo o arrendamento. Aproveite já e marque a sua visita!
Building located in the Fortress of Valença, which dates back to the transition from the 12th to the 13th century and was intended to defend the village and the crossing of that stretch of the river Minho, has the old Roman road gaining importance as a place of pilgrimage towards the tomb of Santiago to which pilgrims and travelers from all over the Iberian Peninsula converge. The building consists of two floors. On the ground floor there is ample space, a bathroom and a storage space, and it is possible to divide the space to create a bedroom and an open-plan kitchen and living room. On the 1st floor there is a bathroom, a bedroom and ample space. Perfect for investors for tourism or rental. Enjoy now and book your visit!
Building located in the Fortress of Valença, which dates back to the transition from the 12th to the 13th century and was intended to defend the village and the crossing of that stretch of the river Minho, has the old Roman road gaining importance as a place of pilgrimage towards the tomb of Santiago to which pilgrims and travelers from all over the Iberian Peninsula converge. The building consists of two floors. On the ground floor there is ample space, a bathroom and a storage space, and it is possible to divide the space to create a bedroom and an open-plan kitchen and living room. On the 1st floor there is a bathroom, a bedroom and ample space. Perfect for investors for tourism or rental. Enjoy now and book your visit!
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